

At Unibrands, we are committed to providing our clients with exceptional quality control services. Our teams of dedicated Quality Control personnel are assigned to your order from start to shipment, ensuring that all your requirements for in-line and final inspections are met.

We have an in-house laboratory with trained staff who perform tests on GSM and all fastness properties before, during, and after production.

Furthermore, we conduct testing on all applications, trims, and accessories to meet the chemical requirements of REACH regulations in garments.

All of the above will be included in your Final Inspection Report.

At Unibrands, quality is more than just a buzzword. It is the reason we are here.

Why choose Unibrands?

Design & Construction

Our designers and constructors can help you visualize your ideas and make them happen within a realistic frame of work and budget. 


Whether you require fabric, yarn, or trims, we have the expertise and experience to provide you with the highest quality materials for your garment production needs.


We offer our clients the option to arrange standard terms with us in Bangladesh or to agree to individual credit terms through our European office.


Let's talk about your possibilities

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